Урок в 7 классе "Мой друг"
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Цели и задачи:

Развивающая: -введение новых прилагательных по теме «Мой друг» и
использование их в рассказе для описания друга.
Познавательная: -объяснение грамматического материала «сложное дополнение»(I want him/you to do smth) и использование их в предложениях п
Воспитательная: -воспитание дружеских отношений в классе, чувства
уважения, заботы и терпимости к своим друзьям.
-попробовать стать другом своего одноклассника(в жеребёвку)

Оборудования: мультимедийный проектор, презентация по теме, учебник Биболетова М. Enjoy English для 7 класса.

Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
T:Good morning boys and girls. I am glad to see you.
Sit down, please.
P: Good morning teacher!
T: How are you today?
P: We are fine and you?
T:I am wonderful.
You see that today’s weather is very nice. And you are all very nice
too. Now smile to each other, please.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.
T: Now my dear students, let’s remember our English proverbs about
friends and find their russian equivalents.(Слайд 1)

Друзья познаются в беде.
Старый друг лучше, чем два новых.
Между друзьями всё общее.
Дружбу не возможно купить на рынке.

III. Речевая разминка.

Each of you has a friend. And let’s try to describe your friends. What are they? What are their characters? Why do you like them? It was your homework too. (Слайд 2)

T: Alina would you like to answer?

P: My friend is Alice. She is very kind, honest, beautiful, humorous, sociable, careful, tolerant, helpful. I love her very much, because she is the best.

IV. Сложное дополнение.
(Слайд 3)

T: Let’s try to make exercise from our textbooks.
Exc 118 translate into Russian .
T: -The teacher wants him to solve this difficult problem himself.
P: Учитель хочет, чтобы мы решили эту сложную проблему
T: -Do you expect us to take part in the competition?
P: Вы ожидаете, что мы примем участие в соревновании?
T: -Would you like them to visit your school in May?
P: Вы бы хотели чтобы они посетили вашу школу в мае?

T: Now try to make your own sentences using the complex object.

P1: My teacher wants me to continue English.
P2: My mother wants me to clean the room.
P3: I want you to help me.
P4: My friend expects me to help him in Maths.

V. Физкультминутка.

I’ll give you sheets of papers with the names of your classmates. And you don’t tell anybody the name of your classmates which is written on the paper. Try to be polite and friendly to this person the whole week. It will be your little secrets.

VI. Активизация диалогической речи.

Using this word combinations try to make your own dialogues.

VII. Итог урока.

Our time is up . Your homework will be to make a presentation about your best friends. Try to use this plan.

T: Thank you for the lesson you were very active students.

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