Our favorite pets
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Our favorite pets
• Цели: обучающие:
1) Обобщить лексический и грамматический материал по теме «Животные»
2) Развивать умения и навыки учащихся в устной речи: рассказывать о своих любимых животных и вести диалог- расспрос.

• Развивающие:
1) Формирование логического мышления, сопоставления и развитие общего кругозора учащихся,
• Воспитывающие:
1) Воспитать любовь к животным.
2) Воспитывать доброжелательность, вежливость, умение прийти на помощь товарищу при его затруднениях в ходе учебного процесса.
• Учебный материал: учебник (М.З.Биболетова),
• Форма проведения: Урок-игра (повторение).
• Учет возрастных особенностей: участвуют ученики 2 класса.
• Наглядность: алфавит, карточки с изображением животных, игрушки, пазлы, рисунки, компьютер, магнитофон, мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, экран, мяч, коробка.

Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент
Teacher: Good afternoon children! I am glad to see you! How are you today? I think you are fine.
Children: We are fine. We are glad to see you, dear teacher.

II. Постановка темы урока.
Т- Today we are going to speak about animals, describe your favorite pets, play, sing

III. Фонетическая разминка.

T – Look at me, please. (Показываем транскрипционные значки и рисунки живтных на компьютере, ученики произносят их )
T – How does an owl cry?
P - ou, ou, ou, ou

T – How does a dog bark?
P - au, au, au, au

T – How does a mouse squeak?
P - pi:, pi:, pi:, pi:

T – How does a lion growl?
P - r, r, r, r

T – Let, s repeat r, r, r, pi:, pi:, pi:, ou, ou, ou, au, au, au.

T- Please read an Alphabet! (Читают алфавит)
P – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, G, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

Т- Well done! Now, Let, s sing a song "Alphabet". Звучит песня "Алфавит, ученики поют песню.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, G, K
L, M, N, O, P
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W
X, Y, Z
X, Y, Z now we know the alphabet.
T- Good of you!

IV. Речевая разминка.

1. T – Thank you, children. What animals do you know? (Показывает карточки с изображением животных).
a cat a crocodile a rabbit a fox an elephant fish a dog

2. T: Guess what animal is here(Угадать заколдованное животное в коробке)
P: Is it a crocodile?
No, it isn’t.
P: Is it a dog?
Yes, it is.
V . Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи
1. T- Now, we shall be animals. P1 you will be a dog. P2 you will be an elephant. P3 you will be a fox…..etc. Answer my question, please! Where do you live?
P1 – I live on the farm.
P2 – I live in the zoo.
P3 – I live in the forst.
P4 – I live in the house
2. Т: Let’s remember colours and sing a song.
Brown and green and blue and white,
Blue and white, blue and white,
Brown and green and blue and white,
Red and black and yellow.
T: What color are our animals? What color is the cat?
P – The cat is red.
T – What color is the elephant?
P – The elephant is grey.
T – What color is the fox?
P – The fox is red.

VI Развивать умения и навыки учащихся в устной речи
T: Now, let`s describe your favourite animal. Take a toy and describe it.
P: My favourite animal is an elephant. It is grey. It is big. It can run. It can’t sing. It lives in the zoo.
P:My favourite animal is a cockerel. It is red, black and yellow. It can sing and run. It can’t swim. It lives in the house.

VII. Физкультминутка
T : Let’s do some physical exercises.
Swim as if you were fish.
Jump as if you were rabbits.
Walk as if you were elephants.
Run as if you were dogs.
Climb as if you were cats.
Dance as if you were bears.
Sing as if you were cockerels

X. Игра на развитие памяти

T-Let’s play a Memory - game. Look at the picture for 20 seconds and say ‘’What animals can you see?” Close your eyes. Now, open your eyes. Guess, who is it?(Дети закрываю глаза, учитель переворачивает картинки и дети открыв глаза должны угадать ).
P1- It is an elephant
T-Who is it?
P2 – It is a wolf
T-Who is it?
P3 – It is a dog.
T- No, it’s not. It is a parrot.

XI. Отгадай загадку.

T—Now guess a riddle. At first read and translate the riddles. Take this felt-tip-pen and join the right answers. (Соединяют фломастером загадку с ответом на доске)

little and green animal
good and little, likes a milk bear
likes to eat honey dog
swims in the river cat
friend of pupils fish
has white and black stripes frog

III.Заключительный этап урока.
1.Подведение итогов и выставление оценок.
T: Dear children, you had a very good time at our lesson. I liked your answers. Every pupil has been given a postcard with a picture of an animal. On the reverse side there is a mark for your knowledge in English.

XIII. Домашнее задание

T-Write the words beginning with the letters S,R,O.

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